Gagged & Bound - Bottle

Gagged & Bound

West Coast IPA

Homebrew Series

Brewed with a single-malt and single-hop recipe, this West Coast IPA honours one of the greatest jazz-rock songs of all time, Poliphony's "Gagged & Bound". Playground in a bottle, this particular IPA is the testing ground for me to try out new hops that I haven't used before, showcasing their potential and helping me better understand their aromas and flavors.

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  • Last brewedJuly 21, 2018
  • Alcohol6.0%
  • MaltsMaris Otter
  • HopsSimcoe
  • YeastFermentis Safale US-05
Gagged & Bound - Label Design

After having already brewed a couple of beers with recipes made up of quite a few ingredients, I wanted to see what could be done if I didn't have everything at my disposal. What would I be able to brew if I limited myself to just two ingredients for example? Having set this challenge for myself I created the recipe for a Single Malt and Single Hop beer (SMaSH) using only ingredients that I had never brewed with before. Often times it's when you limit your options that you are able to discover new ways to overcome obstacles. That's how I decided to choose a single type of malts and one hop strain that would bring everything I needed to the table: bitterness as well as a wide range of fresh, fruity and floral aromas. Combine this in large enough quantities with a base malt such as Maris-Otter and you've got yourself one refreshingly hoppy West Coast IPA that can get you through those hot summer days.

Gagged & Bound - Pencil DrawingGagged & Bound - Ink IllustrationGagged & Bound - Digital Print

The Artwork

This concept started off with a beast, maybe a wolf, that was just trying to make it out in one piece. Being so up to its neck in something that it wouldn't even be able to crawl its way out without a part of him dying. It was an interesting enough idea that I just went with it, from pencil and ink all the way to digital colour, ending up with the entanglement of death you see here.

Gagged & Bound - Artwork
Gagged & Bound - Outdoor View
Roßstein in Tegernsee • 1,701m
Bavarian Prealps, Germany


This is a homebrewed beer that is not available for sale or distribution of any kind. It was brewed at home in small quantities to be shared only with family and friends, simply out of passion for the craft and as a tribute to the music that inspired it.

  • Non-commercial
  • No selling
  • No distribution


If you dig the label artwork and would like to get your hands on some merch that features it, then check out the Hopsylvania web shop and snoop around for something you might like. All orders and manufacturing handled by Spreadshirt.

Gear up!
Gagged And Bound - T-Shirt

Other Beers

Check out some of the other things I brewed that might be similar to this one, or alternatively just explore the full range regardless of their style.

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