Brewing & Art Project by Radu LuchianBlending the Natural with the Supernatural

Featured Beers

My beers are generally non-commercial, so not available for sales or distribution of any kind. I brew small batches at home simply out of passion for the craft and as a tribute to that which inspires them. The only exceptions are those from the Commercial Series, which I do ocassionally make in collaboration with other commercial breweries.

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Nature & Outdoors

Ever since I was a child I've always had an affinity for nature and wilderness, wandering endlessly through forests and meadows while my family foraged for mushrooms, plants, and berries. This ever-present theme would eventually seep not only into my art but also into my beers. From what would become my signature elderflower saison, I gradually began learning the way of other botanicals, personally foraging them from the Bavarian Alps and nearby forests with the utmost respect for nature and the environment, and incorporating more and more of them into my brews.

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Community & Events

As part of this brewing and art project I want to bring people together to also give back to our community. So apart from beer releases and special tastings, you will also see several fundraising events through which I hope to achieve just that.



Earthquake Solidarity Brew

Fundraising event serving several locally homebrewed beers in exchange for donations to help raise money for those impacted by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

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Ukraine Solidarity Brew

Fundraising event serving homebrewed beers from several solidarity campaigns in exchange for donations to support humanitarian relief efforts for the Russian war in Ukraine.

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Camp Fire Solidarity Brew

Fundraising event that served different homebrewed versions of Sierra Nevada’s Resilience IPA to help raise money for those impacted by the wildfire in Butte County, USA.

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Behind The Bat

What started off years ago as just a branding idea ended up turning into a brewing side project, allowing me to experiment with different beer styles, recipes, and ingredients. With each batch brewed at home in small quantities, my beers feature unique hand illustrated labels and are usually named after songs from some of my favorite artists.

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Recent activity

Here's a look at what I've been up to with some of the more recent updates from my Instagram account. To stay updated on even more behind the scenes posts simply follow that acocunt.

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